We love wallpaper! It just pops a room right up, in a way that no paint can. We like to use it sparingly, mainly in a powder room or the bathroom. When it comes to buying wallpaper, we prefer the high-end designs. Cheap wallpaper just looks...cheap. Whereas an upscale, luxurious wallpaper just adds so much style. Invest the money. It'll be worth it...
Here are a few patterns that we like from Osborne & Little. An European-based company, Osborne and Little makes wallpapers that are asbolutely divine.
When it's cold and gray outside, this one just brighten up our day...It's so cheery! This is a popular one from Osborne & Little. It comes in different colorways as well...
When we are in the mood to be dramatic, we use this one. We usually pair it with yellow for a Hollywood Regency look. It's very Kelly Wearstlersy...
Here's a nice soft, pretty pattern. We like this one when we are doing a soft, modern look that requires something pretty but not fussy...
We love brown as an accent color. This pattern has a nice, modern look to it Osborne & Little wallpapers are expensive. They run about $150 per roll retail. You can usually get it for 20-35% discount of the retail prices if you shop around a bit. Keep in mind that O & L roll is the equivalent of an American roll and half. It's about 11 1/2 yard x 22" wide, which covers about 55 square feet.
To see the entire collection of Osborne & Little wallpaper, you can go to their web site at http://www.osborneandlittle.com/. They sell only to the trade, but you can buy them at discounted prices at our Osborne and Little department (at the moment we have not posted the prices up yet but fill out a quote form and we'll get right back to you).
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Fabulous Wallpaper from Osborne & Little

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