We were driving down the design district in Los Angeles the other day and we were struck with how many "For Lease" signs were out there. It seems like almost every other shop is closed! Then we read in the LA Times that Cook's Library is closing. For those who do not live in LA, Cook's Library is an independent bookstore that specialized in cookbooks. It's one of those places that you can spend hours in--the staff is incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. In the LA Times article, the owner was lamenting about how they would spent a considerable amount of time with a customer on a book, only to have that person ask them to write the title/author down so that they can buy it at Amazon.com. That is so wrong!
Which leads to an appeal we would like to make to you today:
Source: New Yorker Magazine
Yes, we know sometimes you can get a better deal on the Internet, but the stores have so much overhead they can not maintain business on the same margin. They HAVE to charge more. You are paying a little bit more to be able to see the products, touch the products; and most of all, have some personal attention.
We especially feel the small businesses need the most help--the mom-and-pop stores that work so hard and put their life saving into a business.
We need businesses like this to make our community more vibrant and intersting. What would life be if there are no small, charming stores to shop in; or if there were nothing but chain stores. Don't you hate it when you go to different cities and all the shops are the same ones you can get at home?
So let's all pledge to do a little bit for our local business community. Times are tough, but if we each do a little that would help so much.
Digging Beauty
Digging Fashion
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Please Support Your Local Stores

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