Very appropriate title I think! 17th months have passed and we are on the eve of m0ving in. Still so many things to go, the outside is incomplete, waiting for the few last details to be added, electrics, plumbing, hydronics, carpet to do on the inside. Landscaping will start next week and our sides have the aggregate cement. Driveway still not done due to rain. The only time it rained in Melbourne this 'century' (maybe a slight exaggeration hehe) was the day they had picked to do the driveway! Oh well....I must build a bridge and just except that when ever something vitally important is about to happen at the house it least everybody in Melbourne will benefit from the downpour.
So, is it about the journey...always! but I have had enough and impatiently waiting for it to be over. Have I learnt a lot...yes, but I have learnt more from my mistakes. I see this as only a positive and I know that many of you will understand this. There is no such thing as a perfect house, perfect build or perfect selections (I can only speak from my own personal experience) as I am changing my views and personal preferences as I build this house. I look at other peoples gorgeous homes on their blogs and I often wonder why I didn't do this colour or design my home like that. But, my house is about where I am at the moment, not where I was 10 years ago or where I might be 15 years from now. To answer a question 'is this my dream home' it is at this moment but may not be in the future. I have no 'dream home' as such as every home I see has the greatest potential to be beautifully decorated by the owner. I think it all depends on if they have a desire to do it so.
It has taken over my life for the last 2 years so I am ready to be at the end of this particular journey...ready to start an exciting new one. So, here are the last few pictures of my home before we move in.
A glimpse of our beautiful red splashback
This was one aspect of the home I really struggled with the design. What we have is a very simple and plain staircase. My builder is going to do some final touches to the polls, just to give it more details. I still am contemplating what to do with the walls underneath the stairs. This will be one of my first decorating projects but the white colour has to go! This is what is bothering me the most.
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