Did you see Julie & Julia this weekend? It's a terrific movie. We strongly recommend it.
The movie, as you know, is about the parallel lives of Julia Child and the blogger who blogged about cooking with her cookbook. The movie is about food and cooking, obviously, but to us, the main theme is do what you love and the rest will follow.
The story of Julie Powell is truly a Cinderella story. The chance of a blogger being picked up for a book deal AND a movie deal is like, shall we say, the same chance of wining the lottery. Technorati estimates that there are 133 millions blog out there. Now, most of them are about what people eat for lunch, but there are some amazing blogs that are written with such care and love. You can tell that they are written by the people who are truly passionate about their subjects...
If after seeing the movie and totally loving it, you might want check out these food blogs. They are our faves...
Chez Pim
101 cookbooks
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Julie and Julia -Living the Dream

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