There is something about buying shelving and storage units that doesn't really add up. Most of it is flimsy and only made from chipboard. Yesterday, Mr B got out his handy saw and went to Bunnings to get all the materials to make the storage shelving that was so badly needed for the study robes. What a difference it makes to the rest of the house downstairs. The house was designed with heaps of storage but we struggled to work out where my DS3 would put all his 'daily' toys and how we could keep the house clutter free of all his stuff.
Normally, a family would have a designated kids room for this with everything on display, but I didn't want this type of set up for this new home. I cant tolerate clutter in any form (I grew up in a house of total chaos!) so everything has its place and behind close doors. That is not to say I don't LOVE knick knacks and beautiful table arrangements...I long for it so much but not just yet. So...getting back to the study, this is what Mr B made for me after a few hours...everything has its place for my little boy and all the toys are sorted out into piles of Toy Story, Mens and Cars! he loves it and I feel some order come back to my lounge room.
This is our study/desk at the moment but the back wall is getting wallpaper in the next few weeks. I had always imagined a silvery blue colour but I will wait for all my samples to arrive. So really this is a before shot as it is not completed to the way I want it to be.
A very uninspiring before shot demonstrating no storage at all...a place where my kids keep their school bags and that is about it.
The storage that Mr B built for about $50 in materials. The unit is free standing as the hydronic water pipes are behind the wall so no drilling holes in this wall! It fits all my sons toys that he has for neat, looks great when the door is open but when I pack up the house for the night, just close the this (picture below)
Mrs B
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