I cannot believe it has been 5 months! Anyhoo, I will try not to dwell on the fact I have neglected my beloved blog and all my bloggie friends so here is the 100th post.
First of all, what did I miss? To be blunt, I almost had a heart attack when I visited A-M's blog 4 weeks ago. Not only had she moved out but her home was in Home Beautiful and most importantly, I did not have a copy of that issue! What has happened whilst I've been away from blogging? One of my lovely forum friends kindly came to my rescue and sent me her beloved copy of Home Beautiful all the way from Western Australia...(lets not mention the fact that the postage was more than what the magazine was worth) So my biggest thankyou to Kexkez who sent me the issue that A-M's house was in. On the decorating side...nothing at all. The beach house project has diverted all of all attention and effort. Thats ok, its almost come to an end and has just gone onto the market to be rented out. Eventually, I would love the beach house to be a holiday rental, where I can pretty it up with white furniture but that would be a few years down the track. I am starting to refocus my attention back to our own home and the picture above is my son's room and his birthday present. We have set up a desk for him with everything he need, lamp, little buckets to keep stuff in (they now hang from the wall) and a cool red chair. All came from Ikea. Not a real big fan of this store but when you get everything for under $100...you become a fan!
This green Buddha sits on our kitchen bench next to our stove. It belongs to Mr B, every night before he cooks, he lights the little candle. It looks like it just belongs...very calming and of course I love the colour, it matches our doors. The Buddha is from the Jamie Durie series at Target. Cost $10 and has a really nice quality about it.
Mrs B xxx
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