Monday, January 31, 2011

Warm Modernism

We love the modern look, escpecially when it's cozy and livable.  No one does it better than Marcel Wolterinck, a Dutch designer. His interiors have a really organic feel to them. We love his use of textures and natural materials to bring the inside/outside together.

Here' s some images for your viewing pleasure....

To see more of his portfolio or buy his books, check out the web site here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Upholstered Headboard

We've been working on a small project with a very small budget.  Mind you, we're really not the decorate-on-a dime kinda people.  Those decorating shows that teach you how to make a volleyball net out of the plastic canholders?  Or ottoman out of empty Coke bottles?  No thanks.    However, there are ways to make your house look nice on a budget, and having a colorful, pretty headboard for your bed is one of them.  It's really pretty when you choose a striking fabric that's colorful and fun.  The headboards cost about $500-600 to make, and usually you can have a good local, upholsterer make it for you.

If you are looking for headboard models, here are some good ones from Edward Ferrell.    You can go to the site and download a tearsheet (you can order from them too, but it's kinda expensive).

Bring this to your favorite upholsterer along with your favorite fabric and voila...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Old Leather Books

There's this bar called the Library Bar in downtown Los Angeles that we go to once in a while.  Its walls are lined with these antique books that we thought are pretty cool.

 If you ever wanted that lived-in, antiqued look, there's this line of antique library books you might want to check out. They retail for about $10-15 each or something like that...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Painted Ceiling

We were helping a friend with paint colors in his new house the other day and it dawns on us that everyone always thinks about painting the walls, but never the ceiling.  Most people just leave the ceiling white.

But why oh why?  Let us tell you, painting the ceiling is one of the best things you can do to your house. It warms it up instantly.

Here are some quick samples:

Photo credit:  Benjamin Moore

Next time you plan to paint the house, think about the ceiling as well...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pretty Pillows from Allem Studio

We saw this adorable pillow line at the New York Gift Show and we thought you might want to check them out.  The pillows are made of cotton/linen fabrics and are either embroidered or silk-screen printed.  They're so pretty and fun....

These run about $90-120 each and you can find them on our decorative pillow section...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bright, Pretty Rooms in Lime/Yellow

Hello everyone! We hope you are having a great new year. As you might have noticed we've been MIA for a while. Last year was crazy, we tell you. We were so busy we thought we were going to die! We've launched 3 new sites, moved our office to Sausalito and added some new staff, so needless to say, things have been hectic for us.

But, we're back and we're ready to work.

Here are some pretty, bright room to brighten up your winter days... don't know what it's like where you live but it's been raining forever here in California!  We're praying for a little sunshine!

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